Jenfitch: Other Information

Jenfitch - Overview

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An in-depth review of biofilm and its effect on a cooling system. Plus understanding bio dispersants and disinfectants on the biofilm.

JC 9465 EPA Label

JC 9465 Marketplace Label

JC 9465 Mineral Oxychloride Reagent Tech Review

An overview of the chemistry behind the mineral oxychloride technology.

News Release - EPA and NOP Approval

Press release on JC 9465 getting approved by EPA and USDA Organic Program.

JC 9450 vs Ozone Comparison Chart

A useful chart comparing the characteristics of ozone to JC 9450.

New Chart - Free Chlorine vs ORP/mV vs PH

A simple chart that shows the relationship between chlorine, ORP, and pH.

Jenfitch JC 9450 TECH SHEET

A review of the technology behind the chemistry of JC 9465.